• We are all interdependent, and the happiness of each individual is intimately connected with the happiness of the whole. - Alan Watts

  • We are human by lot and divine by origin; limited by fate, yet driven by destiny, each person a living puzzle as well as a divine experiment. - Michael Meade

  • Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. - CG Jung

Our Team

  • Mikey Brackett

    Empowering, Insightful, and Challenging

    Mikey, our founder and ceo, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. having been a mental health therapist in many capacities for over 15 years he can help you come to realizations you’ve never made before so that you can experience the joy you’ve been longing for.

  • X X

    Compassionate, Inspiring, and Relational.

    Blank brings together a necessary combination of attributes that encourage and enliven your experience of growth.

  • X X

    Focused, Practical, and Creative.

    Blank will help you find your footing and the tools you need to see things actually change in your world. With tons of ideas and a tenacity of purpose your work together will be the push you’ve been needing.